balik dari WLS (weekend leadership seminar) kat cheras semalam, my roomie xde kt bilik..asar xsolat lagi..gaduh2 pegi amik wuduk n solat..sdh solat, tngu solat maghrib trus...then my roomie msk..nampak bad mood jek..ak pun mls rr kacau..xpsl2 ak y kena..dah la letih x ilang lagi..dok pikul beg dah mcm kpsp hr 2 daa...
bila dah nampak kool, dia story kt ak 1 citer..trus darah ak naik smpai kepala..ak mmg marah giler..what next?????not to be revealed....
apa yang dah jadi tetap jadi...the damage has been done bak kata omputeh..cakap maaf mmg senang, tapi bukan maaf yang least try la berubah..kalau minta maaf saja, tapi perangai tetap sama, xguna jgk..sometimes, u just dont have to say sorry..just prove it with ur attitude..bukannya nak suh berubah 100%..just be urself..tapi berubah ke arah yang lebey baik..we're still human being..sometimes we dont even know that we hurt people around us..and those people dont say anything because they dont want to hurt us, because they love, try to appreciate them..
i once heard, in friendship, we dont say sorry...i dont know whether to agree or not.. true friends would do anything and will always be by ur side no matter how many times u hurt them..
and for some people, dont expect others to be like u..we are who we are...