exactly one week passed...super show 2...no matter what i'm doing, i can't get the nite out of my head...really really really missed the boys now..pleaseeee come back for ss3..i definitely will go..
ok..skang nak mulakan citer y bersangkut paut ngan kons dat day..
one day before, me n par pegi klia..kunun2 nk menjemput dorang..an unplanned plan..tetiba par ajk g klia..me pun cakap xkesah lau xmahal.lau nak amik klia express, mmg kopak..xde money langsung ni..then, par cakap naik tren pegi nilai, pas2 amik bus g klia...ok..xsampai rm20 pon..me stujuk..hari jumaat, habis je test, kitorang berlari pegi tngu bus ktm..lam schedule, cakap dorang sampai dlm 4.30..kitorang mmg nk kejar 4.30 tue..test hbs awal, so boleh blah awal..blom kul 1 dh smpai kt nilai....since masih awal lg, kitorg jln2 kt nilai..pegi minum2 dulu..exactly kul 2 kitorang naik bus g klia..ingt kan cepat la jgk..rupa nya dalam 1jam gak baru smapi klia..dh kul 3 bila sampai klia..ada gak elf y naik bus ngan kitorang dok cakap2 sal suju..dorang pon nk g menjemput oppas kekdahnya..
sampai klia, kitorang cari surau kos xzohor lg..sdh je zohor, trus berlari pegi arrival hall..dlm 3.30 gitu..kt arrival hall, dh ramai y dok menunggu..me ngan par cuma bleh jenguk2 jek..makin nk dekat 4.30, makin dupdap jantung..nk tgk oppas secara live kekdahnya..pas2, par tunjuk sorang ahjussi kt dpn..omooo, reporter arirang rupa nyer..trus me spazzing xhengat dunia..lagi xcited..orang kt tepi pon dok suka2 sama.. dok rilex2, tetiba fanz menjerit..trus berlari pegi menempek kt dinding arrival hall tue..masa 2 lutut dh ketar, camera stanby kt tangan..ingtkan dorang dh sampai, tp hampeh..juz false alarm..then, adalah 3, 4 kali jgk false alarm..masa ni mmg dh geram habis..pas2, ramai la dok tnya, ramai2 ni tngu sape?dgn bangganya me pun jwb la.."kitorang tunggu super junior".."who's super junior?"aikk..xkenal super junior ke?harus la sbb dia foreigner dari middle east..hehehe..ak pon jwb la, "korean artist, very famous one"..then dia angguk2, pas2 dok menunggu sama ngan kitorang.ekekekeke..bleh plak mcm 2...
ok, dh kul 4.30..mana dorang???dok terjenguk2...setiap kali orang kuar dari hall 2, mesti kitorang tnya, ni flite dari mn??pas2, tetiba sorang guard ke sape ntah, me mmg x ingt...cakap suju dh sampai..kt level 5..what????level 5???kitorang seme tngu kt level 3....ramai y berlari pegi level 5 sana, pas2 dorang berlari balik dtg level 3..masa 2 mmg chaos giler..me ngan par dh xth nk buat haper..kitorang stay kt c2..dgn harapan suju still akn kuar ikut c2..tp pas2 ada sorang staff klia tunjuk vid kt kitorang..mmg sah suju dh blah..kuar ikut vip lounge kt kevel 5..ya lah, dh kul 5 pon..x logik la kalau dorang still x kuar lagi..
then, me tgk ramai y nangis..ya la..dorang dtg ngan bawak pelbagai hadiah lagi nk bagi kt suju members..plg xboleh lupa, sorg amoi 2 bawak a bouquet of small pink bears tuk sungmin..lawa sgt..me bajet bouquet 2 mmg mahal..dh xleh nk cakap apa lagi..kitorang mmg sedih masa 2..dh kul5, so kitorang decide tuk solat asar dulu sblom balik..kt surau, jmpa ramai gak fanz y mmg kecewa sbb xleh nk greet suju members..dlm hati, knapa at least dorang xleh kuar untuk greet fanz..ada y tngu dari pagi lg..bila jd gini, mmg kcwa sgt2..
masa dok solat, ada sorng akak ni tnya, korang tngu super junior ke??solat dh x kusyuk masa ni..thehehe...T_____T..akak ni citer dia br balik dari korea..satu flite ngan suju..sama bisnes class..dak2 suju dok tepi dia je..me dh hyper masa ni..ramai y dok tnya, nape akak x amik gmbr??otograf ke??god, bertuah nyer jd akak 2..pas2 dia cakap, xknl pon suju..dia tahu suju pon lps staff flite cakap, "akak, akak tahu tak, akak satu flite dgn artis popular korea?"..akak tue citer gak y dorang ni nampak letih...dorang tido je sepnjang dalam flite 2..ok, sumhow, me rasa cam ok la..dorang seme letih, nati nk kn layan fanz lg...ok, DIMAAFKAN...
but, otw nk balik upm, tetiba me rasa nk nangis..mata dh berair..tetiba datang balik lam fikiran, at least they should greet their fanz..but they didn't..balik je upm, mmg xde mood..sedih sgt2..rasa nk boikot je konsert the next day...so, mlm 2, after mndi, my sister dtg..then me trus g tdo..xde mood langsung nk wat ape2...
to be continued....the day of the concert
Saturday, March 27, 2010
Thursday, March 25, 2010
Friday, March 19, 2010
Monday, March 15, 2010
ME and MY obsession
last Saturday, back from ampang singgah kt megastar..as usual, belek2 paper...xde niat nk beli pon..huhuhuuh...dari 1 paper ke satu paper...amik the star, belek2...nothing..letak balik..then harian metro..belek2..boring nyer news..letak balik..then amik kosmo, belek2..god...full 3 pages article bout suju..gotta grab it..
sambil2 sengih, pangil nono ngan par..show the article to them..ahahhaha..gotta grab it..
cam xcaya, tiga2 org beli paper kosmo that day..slaluk jgn harap la nk beli paper..
naik bilik, messaged kwa bout it..then she pokpekpokpek....'why dun u tell me bout it earlier???its already 5pm, where do i get the paper???'
'helllo makcik, i just knew bout it..' it's lucky enough i figured it out..hahahah...sorry buddy...
then the next thing i knew she messaged me said that she already bought the paper..hahahaha...thought that i'm the only one who lost my mind, but she just the same..
and today, she message me again bout suju. this time in harian metro..god, gotta grab it no matter what..habis class jerk trus p seri serdang carik paper..semua ni gara2 isey tutup kedai today..but more to nak cari mag klik yb kaver depan adalah suju..ceh..giler seyhh...rela ku pergi mencarinya..punya la cari satu ss, still xjumpa gak..then, beli paper je la..
back to my room, quickly open the paper..full 2 pages news bout suju.hahhaah...is it my happiest day?told kwa bout it since she never stop asking me bout the news..she regretted didn't buy the paper...ottoke??sapa suh mu beli awal2 paper tue??already 5.30pm..no more paper for today..
while messaging with her, i caught sumthing bout she's telling me that she regretted didn't join me for the cons.. well buddy, i've told you, it's not happen everyday..they're not coming to msia every year.
but....i'm sure i'll be lots more happy if you are there with me..wish you'll be there too..
sambil2 sengih, pangil nono ngan par..show the article to them..ahahhaha..gotta grab it..
cam xcaya, tiga2 org beli paper kosmo that day..slaluk jgn harap la nk beli paper..
naik bilik, messaged kwa bout it..then she pokpekpokpek....'why dun u tell me bout it earlier???its already 5pm, where do i get the paper???'
'helllo makcik, i just knew bout it..' it's lucky enough i figured it out..hahahah...sorry buddy...
then the next thing i knew she messaged me said that she already bought the paper..hahahaha...thought that i'm the only one who lost my mind, but she just the same..
and today, she message me again bout suju. this time in harian metro..god, gotta grab it no matter what..habis class jerk trus p seri serdang carik paper..semua ni gara2 isey tutup kedai today..but more to nak cari mag klik yb kaver depan adalah suju..ceh..giler seyhh...rela ku pergi mencarinya..punya la cari satu ss, still xjumpa gak..then, beli paper je la..
back to my room, quickly open the paper..full 2 pages news bout suju.hahhaah...is it my happiest day?told kwa bout it since she never stop asking me bout the news..she regretted didn't buy the paper...ottoke??sapa suh mu beli awal2 paper tue??already 5.30pm..no more paper for today..
while messaging with her, i caught sumthing bout she's telling me that she regretted didn't join me for the cons.. well buddy, i've told you, it's not happen everyday..they're not coming to msia every year.
but....i'm sure i'll be lots more happy if you are there with me..wish you'll be there too..
Saturday, March 13, 2010
~everything super junior~
just back from ampang...completely exhausted..my legs totally in pain..but, when look at those stuff, feel so xcited..
the pain suddenly gone..hahahah...so out of the moon rite now...
n so proud of malaysia ELFs..they gonna prepare sumthing special for suju..i am so into it..
well, big thanx to s'pore ELF who sponsor the stuff for the project..
now, already got all the stuff except for torchlite...just wait for the day to come..
Thursday, March 11, 2010
it's begin
Sunday, March 7, 2010
...one day in mines...
yesterday went to mines wif par n roomie....jalan2 kat mines...then passed by speedy...suddenly saw something. promotion poster for super junior 2nd asia tour super show..my lips grinned automatically...i stand in front of the poster for quite sometimes..roomie n par went to draw money..then, i saw a sushow2 cd in speedy. i went toward the cd, picked it up, belek2 looked at the price..buy, not, not buying....then put it back...i grinned again...then walked out the speedy...suddenly saw another posters of super junior..grinned again..
walked toward par..told her about the poster..then she walked toward the poster...from far, i can see she's smiling..told roomie the same thing, she done the same thing...three of us smiling widely toward the poster. then told par bout the cd..she walked in speedy, picked the cd, looked at it and put it back..then walked out again...n i can see the cashier lookec at us with weird look..hahahaha...who cares???
but then, that's it...please go back to our main reason for coming to mines... entering giant n bla bla bla................
walked toward par..told her about the poster..then she walked toward the poster...from far, i can see she's smiling..told roomie the same thing, she done the same thing...three of us smiling widely toward the poster. then told par bout the cd..she walked in speedy, picked the cd, looked at it and put it back..then walked out again...n i can see the cashier lookec at us with weird look..hahahaha...who cares???
but then, that's it...please go back to our main reason for coming to mines... entering giant n bla bla bla................
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